Do you control your destiny?

Are you the flower shedding its petals, or are you one of the petals? During your lifetime, you will probably be both. The following story depicts most peopleā€™s lives.

Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled among rolling hills and whispering trees, lived a young man named Ben. Ben was known for his gentle spirit and unwavering optimism, traits that endeared him to everyone in the village.

From a young age, Ben harboured a deep love for painting. His canvases often depicted the beauty of natureā€”flower-laden meadows, sun-kissed valleys, and skies painted in hues of twilight. His paintings were not just art; they were windows into his mind and the wonderful world it created.

One fateful spring day, Ben received an unexpected invitation to showcase his artwork at a prestigious gallery in the bustling city beyond the hills. Excited yet nervous, he embarked on his journey, carrying with him his cherished paintings wrapped carefully so that they were sure to arrive safely untarnished.

The city dazzled Ben with its bustling streets and towering buildings, a stark contrast to his serene village. At the gallery, amidst the chatter of art enthusiasts and the hum of admiration, Ben’s paintings found their place, each stroke telling a story of hope, beauty, and the quiet wisdom of mother nature.

As the days passed, Ben’s artwork garnered attention from critics and collectors alike. He found himself swept up in a whirlwind of exhibitions, interviews, and accoladesā€”a far cry from the peaceful solitude of his village. Each opportunity seemed to carry him further from his roots, like petals scattered on the wind.

Yet amidst the acclaim, Ben remained grounded, his heart tethered to the simple joys that inspired his art. He returned to his village whenever he could, seeking solace in familiar faces and the whispering trees that had witnessed his dreams take flight.

Years passed, and Ben’s fame spread far and wide, his paintings adorning walls across continents. But with success came inevitable challengesā€”pressure to innovate, expectations to meet, and the relentless passage of time. During this time, Ben started to fall out of love with his art.

However, that was about to change because one autumn afternoon, as Ben wandered through the village he loved, he stumbled upon a forgotten path leading to a tranquil meadow. There, under a canopy of golden leaves, he paused, reflecting on his journeyā€”the highs and lows, the twists and turns that had shaped his life.

In that moment of quiet introspection, Ben realized that much like the petals on the wind, his life had been guided by forces beyond his control. Yet through it all, he had remained true to his passion, his art a testament to the beauty he had found along the way.

With renewed clarity, Ben returned to his easel, painting not for fame or acclaim, but to capture the essence of life’s fleeting momentsā€”the laughter of children, the dance of sunlight on water, and the quiet strength of a village nestled among rolling hills.

For his remaining years, Ben didn’t follow the winds of faith. He allowed other people’s faith to find him.


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