You will improve every day

Ben had always been driven by competition. From a young age, he thrived on being the best, constantly pushing himself to outshine his classmates, colleagues, and even friends. His days were a whirlwind of deadlines, goals, and benchmarks. Yet, despite his many achievements, a gnawing sense of dissatisfaction lingered.

It was a bright Saturday morning, the kind that begged to be savoured. Ben decided to take a break from his relentless routine and go for a hike in the nearby mountains. The trail was familiar, one he had taken many times before, yet that day it felt different. The sky was a brilliant blue, the air crisp and refreshing. Birdsong was everywhere, and the forest seemed to whisper in the light breeze.

As Ben climbed up the mountain, his thoughts were a jumbled mess of past victories and future plans. He recalled the countless awards and accolades, but they all seemed hollow now. Each achievement had only led to a new target, a higher hurdle, leaving him perpetually unsatisfied.

Lost in thought, Ben almost didn’t notice the vista when he reached a break in the trees. He paused, catching his breath and taking in the panoramic view. The world stretched out before him, vast and unending. In that moment, something shifted within him. The grandeur of nature, the sheer scale of the landscape, made his accomplishments feel small, insignificant.

He sat down on a flat rock, letting the silence envelop him. For the first time in years, he allowed himself to be still to just exist without any agenda. As he watched the clouds drift lazily across the sky, a realization began to dawn on him.

His entire life had been a series of comparisons. He had measured his worth against others, striving to be better, faster, smarter. But here, surrounded by the timeless beauty of the mountains, it became clear that the only true measure of his success was his own growth. He wasn’t in a race with anyone but himself.

Ben closed his eyes, breathing deeply, and felt a weight lift from his shoulders. He understood now that his worth wasn’t defined by how he compared to others but by how he improved and evolved. The only person he needed to compete with was the person he had been yesterday.

With this newfound clarity, Ben stood up, feeling lighter than he had in years. He continued his hike, but this time with a different perspective. Each step was no longer about reaching the top first or proving his prowess. Instead, it was about enjoying the journey, appreciating the small victories, and striving to be a better version of himself each day.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Ben reached the summit. He stood there, looking out over the vast expanse, and smiled. He knew that the path ahead would still be challenging, but he felt ready to face it with a renewed sense of purpose.

That brilliant day, Ben realized that his greatest competition was himself. In that realization, he found a profound sense of peace and fulfilment because he knew there would always be something he could improve every day.


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