Tag: problem

  • Not every problem needs a practical solution

    Most men are practically orientated. They believe that if somebody is telling them about their problems, they’re actually asking for help in finding a solution. Of course, most women don’t have the same mindset. They’re more emotionally orientated. They believe that telling their nearest and dearest about their problems is their way of showing how…

  • A problem has a resolution you control

    In life, you need to identify whether something is a problem or simply inconvenient for your own good. Otherwise, you could spend a lifetime worrying about fresh air. A problem has a solution that’s within your power to identify, whereas something that’s inconvenient requires a change of attitude because you have no control over the…

  • Some people have real problems

    The world is full of people with problems, some are real while others are imagined. The most important thing you’ll ever do is determine which category your problems fall into. Remember, the solution to all imagined problems lies inside of your mind whilst the solution to real problems is always outside of your control.

  • This is one post you shouldn’t read

    How to tell if you have a problem. If you clicked on this post? You haven’t got a problem because people with real problems don’t need to go online to find out if they have a problem.

  • Do you have a real problem or do you have an attitudinal problem?

    A real problem is a situation that always requires more than one person to find a solution. Attitudinal problems while no less real in the mind of the person who has the problem only need one person to change their mindset to find the solution to their problem. Your goal in life is to determine…

  • Your thoughts are the solution to every stressful event you encounter

    Stress is caused when your mind tries to find a resolution to a problem when you do not have the information or power to find a solution. Example: If you consider stressful situations are like being stuck in the middle lane of the traffic jam.Unknowable: You don’t know what’s causing the tailback or how long…